
Saturday, June 22, 2013


Introduction of volcanoesthe science of volcanology learned about volcano and an inseparable link with the science of geology.volcano has a fairly complex notion, namely:. is a form generation on the earth's surface that was built by the volcanic pile spices.2. can be summed up as magma type or activity that is underway.3. or an area as well as the emergence of rock leleran regardless volcanic spices come from the volcanoes meant something if the activity can be seen sacra magmatisnya real. leleran lava from the summit crater or crater side, there pyroclastic eruptions and pyroclastic avalanches, lava eruptions and so characterizes that volcanoes are still active. morphology of an active volcano cone formations generally reveal prima. if the signs are not observed magmatisnya activity, the volcano could be grouped extinguished volcano. but the situation is like this not only means that the volcano is dead, because at one time it could volcano active again. appearance of signs of heat on the surface of the earth turns places like hydrothermal, mud puddles, blowing fumaroles and hot springs is indeed often associated with signs of a volcanic extinction. as a parable contrast, geothermal lines in Indonesia is actually the active volcano standing area, because sulfur gases can be found abundantly in active volcanoes.


Geochemical science is a branch of chemistry that is used to solve a variety of problems as well as to understand the terrestrial earth and how the earth works (wm white, Geochemistry, 2007). Another source also said that the geochemical character to learn the science of chemical species on the earth and its evolution throughout the history of the earth. certainly there are many other definitions concerning geochemistry, but the two images above have been fairly represented. geochemical itself consists of various sub-topics (or derivative) is actually fixed to each other mutual respect, there is no division that really separate.


Geophysics is the study of earth science earth using the rules or principles of physics. therein as well as of meteorology, atmospheric elektrisitas and ionospheric physics. geophysical studies to know the conditions below the earth's surface above the earth's surface involves measurements of the physical parameters which are owned by the rocks in the earth. of these measurements can be interpreted how the character and nature of the earth's surface under conditions of either the vertical or horizontal.
The scale is not the same, geophysical methods can be applied to the global composition of the earth to ensure, with the local mineral exploration and mining for petroleum as well as of small scale ie for geotechnical applications (determination of building foundations and others). in Indonesia, the science is studied almost all universities in the country were there. geophysics is usually entered into the faculty of mathematics and sciences, and natural sciences (Mathematics), due to the need of the basics of physics are strong, or some are putting it into the side of geology. today, either geophysical or geological nearly finished the inseparable unity of earth sciences. field study geophysics include meteorological (air), solid earth geophysics and oceanography (sea).

Structure Geology

The geological structure of the geological sciences who learned about the form (architecture) as a result of rock deformation system. systems that change shape deformation as well as the size of the rocks result of force (force) which took place in the earth. the force is in principle a tectonic system that goes inside the earth. in a general sense, the geological composition of the science learned about rocks form as the crust side of the system and explain its formation.

most authors assume that the geological structure is preferred to the study of the geological composition of the elements, for example, multiplicity (fold), fracture (fracture), faults (fault), and so on, as the side of a tectonic unit (tectonic unit), but the tectonic and geotectonic mistaken for one study with an increasingly large scale, the geological study objects like sedimentation basin, the mountains, the ocean floor, and so on.


stratigraphy, in geology, the study of rock layers, or strata, particularly their ages, compositions, and relationships to other rock layers. stratigraphy provides geologists with clues about the earth`s past. stratigraphy also allows geologists to predict what types of rocks lie below the ground and to understand geologic processes. consequently, most geologists regularly use basic elements of stratigraphy in their work.

Principles of stratigraphy
Stratigraphy relies on four simple principles
Stratigraphy relies on four simple principles to unveil geologic history. the principle of original horizontality states that the sediments that form sedimentary rocks are usually deposited in approximately horizontal sheets. this principle is invaluable for reconstructing the earth`s history because it allows geologists to distinguish between undisturbed and deformed rock layers. the term deformation generally refers to faults ( fractures where one side has moved relative to the other ) or folds that form in rocks, typically during mountain-building events. for example, rocks 250 million years old near the top of the grand canyon lie in horizontal sheets ; similar rocks near las vegas, nevada, are tilted on end. therefore, geologists infer that rock layers in the grand canyon have not been strongly deformed in the 250 million years since they were deposited. by contrast, the las vegas area has experienced strong deformation since that time.


Van Zuidam

Use of the name as a geomorphological landforms caused displeasure on physiographic terminology that has evolved first. physiographic sense used in Europe as well as incorporating elements - elements of climate, meteorology, marine and mathematical geography. geomorphology is a major geological side, despite the fact that in Europe, America and Indonesia mistaken as physical geography.
geomorphology in environmental geology underdeveloped, due to the more developed environment for the development of geographic location, use the place as well as hydrology, but some geologists have assumed that geomorphology is a side of the field of geography, even though satellite technology resource record that is now developing earth's surface as well as portraits show face of the earth every day, up to now must use a satellite imagery expert must relearn geology geomorphology.

1. understanding geomorphology
geomorphology comes from the ancient Greek language, consisting of three roots, namely ge (o) = earth, morphe = form danlogos = science, geomorphology word can be summed up as a form of science that study the earth's surface. come from the same language, the word meaning the science of geology has learned about the formation of the earth with the total system.
definition; geomorphology learn about the science that form the earth's surface and the system - the system that runs on the surface of the earth since the earth was formed until now
the meaning and definition of geomorphology, the science of geomorphology is the study of the earth's geological approach to the earth in such form and in such earth architecture. geomorphological study destination in the geological environment in accordance with the motto hutton, that the present is the key to the past (this time period then that is the key). understanding the present (the present) is a form of understanding in a way that could make the earth a reflection of the system running in the future then.


Paleontology comes from the word meaning paleo past, onto which means life and logos which means science. then the general paleontology meaningful science learning about the past.Paleontology is the science of life generally is studying ancient fossils. paleontology fossils are studied to learn makh traces of life and all the things about ancient times. with narrow, paleontology can be concluded about the science of fossil traces of life as recorded in fossils of ancient times.The rest of the fossils of ancient life preserved with natural as well as recorded on some material from the Earth's crust. The rest of life can be shaped shells of animals, trail or natural prints or replacement by mineral formation. the fossil record (the fossil record) is orderly arrangement where fossil settles in layers / strata, in sedimentary rocks that mark the passage of geological time. increasing the layout area strata fossils are found, the young age of the fossil.There are different kinds of fossils when seen from the case, including:
  • Hardware side as well-preserved fossils like the situation is so very beginning. example: bones, teeth, shells
  • A cavity is formed due to the hard side beginning there, dissolved by water and the resulting cavity is formed which has a shape like a beginning.
  • Rock results
  • Existing preserved in amber like structure
  • Traces, holes, living area, dirt
Cccording shrock & twenhofel (1952), the science of paleontology learned about life in the past geological age scale.


Petrology which focuses on the field of geology that studies rocks, and the conditions of its formation. there are three branches of petrology, associated with the three types of rocks : frozen, metamorphic, and sedimentary. petrology word itself comes from the greek word petra, which means stone.

  • Igneous petrology focuses on the composition and structure of igneous rocks ( rocks like granite or basalt rock that has crystallized from melt to lava ). igneous rocks include volcanic and plutonic rocks.
  • Petrology of sedimentary rocks focus on the composition and structure of sedimentary rocks ( rocks like sandstone or limestone that contains sediment particles bound to the matrix or finer material ).
  • Metamorphic petrology focuses on the composition and structure of metamorphic rocks ( rocks like slate or marble stone that originated from sedimentary rocks or frozen, but already past the turn of the chemistry, mineralogy or structure due to the extreme conditions of pressure, temperature, or both )


Mineralogy that is a branch of geology that learned about minerals, either in form or in the form of individual unity, one learned about the character - the physical character, step duration, step formation, character - the character of the chemical, as well as its benefits. mineralogy consists of the minerals and logos. logos are meaningful science when combined with mineral, meaning the science concerning mineral mineralogy.

mineral is a solid substance composed of chemical elements or compounds are formed by the natural by inorganic processes, have character-specific physical and chemical properties as well as having the placement of atoms in it regularly, otherwise known as the crystal structure. besides that the mineral also has many meanings, it depends where we are about to review it. minerals within the meaning of another pharmacy with understanding in the field of geology. minerals in a geological sense meaning a substance or object that is formed by natural systems, generally is solid and is composed of specific chemical composition and physical properties have character-specific as well. mineral formed from the atoms and molecules of various chemical elements, in which the atoms are arranged in a regular pattern. the discipline of a series of atomic minerals can make in a regular character. usually an inorganic mineral substances. ( murwanto, helmy, et al. 1992 )

Friday, June 21, 2013

What is geology ?

What is geology? ? .. The question remains often I get every time I met with new people outside of the scope of my day-to-day relationships. however, there also have an idea about the geology in the course of the disaster that befell experience. well, a little more I can say "yes .. The application of geology "because in geology indeed learn about disasters and mitigation efforts. however the geological world not just only that, because the geology related to physics jamant (learn the styles of the Earth), chemical (learn the material making up the Earth) and biology (study of the past through the fossil record as well as the earth's history).by Whitten and brooks (1972), who studied geology is the science of the earth begins its origins formation, structure, composition and formation history (commencing change of life), and the processes that lead to the current situation of the earth like this. because in fact our world is not static or stationary, always take small changes, slowly but continuously or switch quickly, large and sporadic.


among the plans so popular in geology, uniformtarianisme raised by the father of geology, James Hutton (1785) and so the plan is very often mentioned as well as easy to remember (I mean by me personally, hehe ..) that "the present is the key to the past "that the forces and processes that shape the Earth's surface like that we observe today, it's been running since the formation of the earth. mean, what is going on at this time we can use to reconstruct past conditions of the earth at the time. and at least be able to give us an idea of ​​how the condition of the earth in the days to come dengaan other words, the present is the key to the past and to the future.
james hutton