
Saturday, June 22, 2013


Geophysics is the study of earth science earth using the rules or principles of physics. therein as well as of meteorology, atmospheric elektrisitas and ionospheric physics. geophysical studies to know the conditions below the earth's surface above the earth's surface involves measurements of the physical parameters which are owned by the rocks in the earth. of these measurements can be interpreted how the character and nature of the earth's surface under conditions of either the vertical or horizontal.
The scale is not the same, geophysical methods can be applied to the global composition of the earth to ensure, with the local mineral exploration and mining for petroleum as well as of small scale ie for geotechnical applications (determination of building foundations and others). in Indonesia, the science is studied almost all universities in the country were there. geophysics is usually entered into the faculty of mathematics and sciences, and natural sciences (Mathematics), due to the need of the basics of physics are strong, or some are putting it into the side of geology. today, either geophysical or geological nearly finished the inseparable unity of earth sciences. field study geophysics include meteorological (air), solid earth geophysics and oceanography (sea).

Kknowledge about volcanoes or volcanology, geodynamics who studied the dynamics of the movement of the plates in the earth, as well as seismic exploration used in the search for hydrocarbons. geophysical methods in general, geophysical methods are divided into two groups: passive and active methods. passive method of measuring natural terrain done emitted by the earth. method worked actively making field problems then measure the response undertaken by the earth. natural terrain called here eg earthquake wave radiation, the Earth's gravity field, Earth's magnetic fields, electric fields and electromagnetic radiation radioactivity earth and the earth. artificial field could form a dynamite explosion, giving electric current into the ground, sending a radar signal, and so forth. with practical, common methods used in geophysical looks like the table below: method parameters measured character-seismic nature of the physics involved, the arrival time of seismic wave reflection or refraction, amplitude and frequency of seismic waves, density and modulus of elasticity that ensures wave velocity seismic gravity variations in Earth's gravitational acceleration rates at the same position no price variation of magnetic density magnetic field intensity at the same position remanent magnetic susceptibility or resistance price resistivity of the earth's electrical conductivityPolarization voltage induced polarization or resistivity of rocks as the benefits of self-frequency electrical capacitance may possibly electrical electrical conductivityresponse to electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic conductivity or electrical inductance radar radar wave propagation time arrived dielectric constant.
However in practical applications, geophysical usually summed up as just applied to the earth. to avoid the confusion there were some sense in the application of geophysical sciences, say the application of physics to study the earth's interior to the surface of the earth from the earth's core is known as solid earth geophysics and is divided into two main areas, namely:
The first field of the global geophysics, known also as pure geophysics, namely learning the whole side or one of the crucial points of the planet.
2nd field of applied geophysics is more focused on saatlah earth's crust as well as near-shaped surface for engineering purposes (engineering) as well as economical.

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