
Saturday, June 22, 2013


Paleontology comes from the word meaning paleo past, onto which means life and logos which means science. then the general paleontology meaningful science learning about the past.Paleontology is the science of life generally is studying ancient fossils. paleontology fossils are studied to learn makh traces of life and all the things about ancient times. with narrow, paleontology can be concluded about the science of fossil traces of life as recorded in fossils of ancient times.The rest of the fossils of ancient life preserved with natural as well as recorded on some material from the Earth's crust. The rest of life can be shaped shells of animals, trail or natural prints or replacement by mineral formation. the fossil record (the fossil record) is orderly arrangement where fossil settles in layers / strata, in sedimentary rocks that mark the passage of geological time. increasing the layout area strata fossils are found, the young age of the fossil.There are different kinds of fossils when seen from the case, including:
  • Hardware side as well-preserved fossils like the situation is so very beginning. example: bones, teeth, shells
  • A cavity is formed due to the hard side beginning there, dissolved by water and the resulting cavity is formed which has a shape like a beginning.
  • Rock results
  • Existing preserved in amber like structure
  • Traces, holes, living area, dirt
Cccording shrock & twenhofel (1952), the science of paleontology learned about life in the past geological age scale.

Basic concepts of paleontology

  • taxonomy
  • species plan
  • phylogeny
  • identification method
Taxonomyie grouping organisms according to specific physical characteristics in common. the mention of the organism often used if the level of taxa taxonomic significance is unknown. The smallest unit in the taxonomic species, but the highest unit that kingdom. in between standard units can be added if there is above super raw units, parables: super kingdom, is a unit that is moreHigh of kingdom. when added sub units are below the standard, the parable: subphylum, the phylum is under unit.Specification name1. descriptive naming is based on physical characteristics, can be shaped:Body shape: turritella angulata, showing a form of turreted body (rises) and angled in his room.composition: Tubipora musica, showing the arrangement of a pipe body (tube) and are strung like musical instruments (musica).2. Geographical: the name based on the location where the fossils were first discovered. parable: fussulina sumatrensis, fussulina which is found in Sumatra.3. Personal: include the name of the inventor. parable: discoatermartinii, the inventor of the fossil martiniPhylogenyphylogeny of the science of studying kinship denganorganisme one organism to another. The relationship is determined according to the morphology of dna. phylogeny is needed when studying the evolution of the system as well as the preparation of the taxonomy. evolution itself can be summed up as a gradual change of suatuorganisme headed in conformity with the time and area. then the evolution of the system sendirimerupakan adaptation of the organism to its environmentMethod of preparation of the phylogeny1. fenetik, phylogeny preparation method with numerical analysis approach. The approach includes the calculation of the inequality index, diversity index, anaisa patterns and a variety of other indices. in all subjects and approaches fenetik dianalisispunya factor equal footing.2. kladistik, this method appears on the basic premise that natural systems can always take a very short path. in kladistik each physical characteristics have different levelsIdentification methodmorphology. shaped morphology qualitative descriptive approach. include body shape, arrangement generally expanding, and so on.biometry, quantitative approach, which according to the body size of an organism
Wide area paleontologywith general paleontology can be classified into two namely paleobotany (plants) and paleozoologi (animals). then the scope of paleontological area (divided into paleobotany and paleozoologi) include:1. paleobotanypaleobotany learned the science of plant fossils. paleobotany studies include the terms of fossil plants, reconstruction of taxa, as well as the historical evolution of the plant world.paleobotany study objectives are:for the reconstruction of the plant world history. This subject could be done because the fossil plants of the specific geologic column is not equal to that of the other geologic column. because the type of plants that can be known to exist from time to time, or in other words to known history, especially about the group when the plants begin to appear on the face of the earth, when the maximum change, and when the group of extinct plants.for further analysis and successional vegetation patterns over time.for future analysis of carbon deposition (especially that contain plant remains), which has potential in coal presiksi characters. because it can be known from the type of coal and the coal plants what order to do dedukasi about aspects of climate change. with this step it is possible to reconstruct past environments along with the changes that take place, and also to study the relationship of plants with animals that inhabit these environments. between climate change can often be revealed with this approach is the turn ternperatur average.2. paleozoology (vertebrates and invertebrates)paleozoology learned that the purpose of:reconstruction of the past history of life at the time both in the field of animal and human change. reconstruction of the life of the system is done through the reconstruction of fossils because fossils found in layers / different geological strata to be known to estimate the time of onset and the life of these fossilized creatures.analysis of the patterns and vegetation succession from time to time. life during which the primordial earth conditions remained extremely unstable might change the course of extreme environmental conditions to change the lives of plant species and vegetationanalysis of terms - in terms of the climate change that takes place. This step is useful to reconstruct the impact of climate change on the environment, learn how relationships in animals and plants that live in the environmentBiocultural analysis of human life since humans appeared on earth, passing through the system evolution and distribution locations throughout the area as well as possibleadaptive system analysis is done at the turn living beings environmental conditions, being able to adapt always persist despite continued road peiode geological time, but that can not adapt to extinction. adaptation system opens a new adaptive zone that is a collection of living conditions as well as new resources that provide many opportunities not initially used.

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